
While not officially a family pet "the chicken" has a long and venerable history

"As John pulled into his driveway with the family car full of wood and tools he knew he had a large task in front of him, but it was one that would make his daughters extremely happy so he just had to do it. He unloaded and stacked his supplies in the back yard. Then he began his immense task. He cut two by fours and made a frame; he measured siding and nailed it onto the frame. He worked and he worked for many weekends, long laborious hours at a time.

When he was finally finished weeks after he had started he sat for a long time and just looked at his large accomplishment. He marched into the house and gathered the family together and brought them all outside. Anne and Liz both shreaked with joy and Noreen cried of joy, this is what he had labored for, to make his family happy, this is why he made the stable for their two new ponies." Polly 2004

Note: Chicks and Ducks see "The Stories" / Sorry no pictures of Sim


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